Emergency Kits


When preparing for a possible emergency situation, it’s best to think first about the basics of survival: Fresh water, Food, Clean air, and Warmth.

Recommend items to include in a Basic Emergency Supply kit:

Water-one gallon of water per person per day for at least 3 days. (Drinking & Sanitation)

Food-at least a 3 day supply of non perishable food; Infant formula if needed.

Personal toiletries including feminine hygiene

Can opener for food; plastic trash bags with ties, hand sanitizer, diapers if needed

Battery powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather radio with tone; extra batteries for each

Flash light(s) one per family at least with 2 sets of batteries for each flashlight: may also want to consider a crack flashlight as well.

First Aid Kit with First Aid book and All Prescription Medicines; glasses and other items necessary

Whistle and Flares to signal for help

Map of local areas etc…


Additional Items that can be considered in an Emergency Supply Kit:

If you have pets you will want to include the same amount of food, water & medications, for each pet.

Family documents: Copies of Insurance Policies, Bank Account, Passports or Identification records, Marriage & Birth certificates, Medical information, and any other documents necessary. May take photos of everything yearly to keep up for Insurance if damages occur. Keep in fireproof, waterproof, and portable container.

Travelers Checks…Change for toll ways or payphones.

Blankets, Sleeping bags, or bedding –especially in colder places.

Complete change of clothing for each member of the family: Include long sleeve, shot sleeve, long pants, socks, and sturdy shoes.

Non Scented Bleach.  When diluted can be used as a disinfectant or water treatment.

Fire extinguisher.

Matches, lighters, candles, sterno’s, in a waterproof container.

Paper plates, cups, utensils, paper towels, toilet paper.

Paper, pens, pencils and permanent marker.

Disposable cameras to take photos of damage as documentation.

Sunscreen, insect repellant and hats if possible.

Utility tools: assorted knives, screwdriver, hammer and axe.

Fix a flat

Sentimental Items: (Some people want to pack these along with the survival items.)


Photos Albums and Videos


NOTE: Protect all items from water and other environmental elements. Store items inside plastic bags inside the kit and then make sure the kit is waterproof as much as possible. Store the kit in a clean and dry area that is easy to access in an Emergency!

Remember that in a true disaster or emergency all these items are great but YOUR LIFE is the most important!

For more information:



Basic First Aid for the Home or on the Go

1 box small adhesive strip bandages

1 box large adhesive strip bandages

2 box nonstick sterile gauze bandages–assorted sizes

1 sterile bandage tape

Safety pins

Disposable latex gloves



Eye wash/eye cup

Small splints

Burn ointment

Antiseptic spray/lotion/wipes




Anti-diarrheatic medication

Calamine lotion/hydrocortisone cream


Gel cold pack

Emergency Contact information of each family member with phone numbers

First Aid guide


Basic First Aid


I am not a Doctor so if you have an emergency please seek professional help.

This is just a BASIC FIRST AID SUPPLY list that comes in handy for the “Uh Oh, Ouch” moments!

Suggestion:  One kit in each car, one kit in each bathroom, one kit in any traveling unit.

· Alcohol or antiseptic wound wipes

· Antiseptic/anesthetic spray (like Bactine)

· Ace bandage

· Adhesive tape (cloth) 1″ thickness

· Antibiotic ointment for cuts and scrapes

· Aspirin or similar anti-inflammatory pain reliever

· Assorted non-stick adhesive bandages

· Burn cream or aloe vera based gel for minor burns

· Calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream for the “itchy scratches”

· Cotton balls and swabs

· Eye wash kit

· Instant cold pack

· Insect bite/sting stick

· Scissors

· Smelling salts

· Sterile gauze pads for large wounds

· Tweezers


· CPR instruction card

· Disposable latex gloves

· EpiPen or similar epinephrine auto-injector for severe allergic (anaphylactic) reaction

· First aid guide-book

· Hand sanitizer

· Wet wipes
Once a year check all kits and make sure everything is up today.

  1.  Make a list of whats inside for inventory. (Change as needed)
  2. Throw away any product with an old expiration date or soon-to-expire date.
  3.  Re-supply items needed or low.
  4. Keep a card in the kit with all medicine allergies for each affected family member.

Now you are ready for any minor BOO BOO’s!


When experiencing one of the following conditions, call 911 immediately:

This is certainly not an exhaustive list. It’s important to understand that emergencies are defined by the victim; if you feel you are having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.

May God protect you and Keep you Safe while having FUN!