Moving Tips-Lets Get Started


Let’s get started on an exciting time in your life~

To ease the stress, below are some guidlelines to help.

  1. After the moving date is set, go to the grocery store, resturants, liquor stores on delivery days, and ask for boxes.  Most of the time you can get several and get several sizes. Stock up on boxes, packing tape, packing and labels. (Newspapers and magazines are great for protecting your valuables.)
  2. Make a ton of labels-Kitchen, Living Room, Family Room, Master Bedroom, Girl Bedroom, Boy Bedroom, Guest Bedroom, Master Bathroom, Guest Bathroom, Other Bedrooms, Dining Room, Game Room, Study, Playroom, Storage, Garage, Attic. etc….You cannot go wrong with too many labels.
  3. Make paper signs that match your labels so that the movers, (you or hired), know exactly where the boxes go.
  4. Make a “Neccessity Box.”  This are items that you will need during your move and possibly for the first few days of your new move.  Items could include but not limited to: light bulbs, garbage bags, sheets, towels, alarm clock, paper plates-napkins-plastic utensils, toliet paper-paper towels, hammer-nails-screwdrivers, portable coffemaker with makings and breakfast items that require little effort, hand soap, cleaning supplies, first aid kit, camera, etc…Some may include portable TV’s or radios. This box should be packed last and be the first thing in the house.
  5. Make a “Overnight Suitcase.”  This can be a small suitcase or back pack for each member of the family.  Items could include but not limited to: personal hygiene items, hair and makeup items, perscriptions, Pj’s, a change of clothes, extra shoes, children’s lovie’s or favorite toy, snacks, extra cash, etc… This “Overight suitcase,” should be packed last and also be taken with you the first day you move in.
  6. Pets: Make sure that you have their items ready as well. Food, water-containers.
  7. Consider the food in your freezers and refrigerator.  Try to consume as much as possible, so that the food will not go to waste. A few days before, cook up a feast and enjoy!
  8. Make a list of things that you have to Cancel/Turn off before you move. (Helpful list to follow.)
  9. Make a list of things that you need to Change/Turn on for your “Move In,” day. (Helpful list to follow.)
  10. Have a “Before you leave,” checklist for the old location, so that nothing is forgotten. (Helpful list to follow.)
  11. Moving Documents, Personal Documents, and papers needed for the move-should be kept in one place and kept with you for easy access.  (Helpful list to follow.)
  12. Declutter while you can!  There is a seperate list for that one.  =)
  13. Above all, keep a sense of humor. It will help!

For a detailed list for Tips #8-#12—Please view:    “Moving Tips-Helpful Lists.”